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CV Etudiant en sciences appliquées
Antoine B.

Etudiant en sciences appliquées

1 ans d'expérience
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Réf. CD1109261132
Né le 11/09/1991
31400 Toulouse
1991-09-11 Male Toulouse Midi Pyrennées France 31400 Toulouse


French: native speaker English: excellent working knowledge (scored 930 in TOEIC preparation mock test) Spanish: Very good working knowledge

Centres d'intérêts

o Music: play the piano since childhood, sing. Listen to jazz, rock, folk, classical music. o Sports: practice tennis, badminton, volley-ball, mountain climbing. o French and American classic literature. o Member of ¡§Les Enfoiros de l¡¦INSA¡¨: humanitarian club collecting money and food for poor people through several events including concerts organized during the year.

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région Midi Pyrennées, dans le Bâtiment.


2010 ¡V 2011 Third year at INSA in Toulouse (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), major five year school preparing students for Master¡¦s Degrees in Engineering. Civil Engineering section.
(Main subjects, e.g.: Material resistance, Materials study, mechanics, Mathematics, Numerical Analysis¡K)
M.S in Civil Engineering expected in June 2014.
2010 - 2011 Second year at INSA in Toulouse.
2009 - 2010 First year at the post-secondary preparatory school of the Lycée Pierre de Fermat in Toulouse, classes preparing for entrance examinations to the French Grandes Ecoles. (Main subjects, e.g.: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry¡K)
Jul. 2009 Obtained the Baccalaureat S Diploma with first class honors, European Section, option Natural Sciences and Ancient Greek.
Equivalent to Scientific A-levels.

Expériences professionnelles

Aug. 2011 Worked as a volunteer in Jazz In Marciac, major jazz festival in Europe. (3 weeks)
Jul. 2011 Worked as a volunteer at Oak Grove College (Worthing, West Sussex, UK), that provides special education for students with learning difficulties. (3 weeks)
Jul. 2011 & 2009 Worked as farm hand in cornfields in the Pyrenean countryside. (2 weeks)
Nov. 2010 Night time job, set up Christmas decorations in Grand Portet shopping center in Portet-Sur-Garonne. (2 nights)
Aug. 2010 International work camp of Archeology in Alcalà-La-Réal (Andalusia ¡V Spain). Restoration of an Arabic fortress (Fortaleza de la Mota), working in hierarchized teams. (3 weeks)

Jul. 2009 International Language school Embassy CES in Cambridge. (2 weeks)


French: native speaker English: excellent working knowledge (scored 930 in TOEIC preparation mock test) Spanish: Very good working knowledge

Centres d'intérêts

o Music: play the piano since childhood, sing. Listen to jazz, rock, folk, classical music. o Sports: practice tennis, badminton, volley-ball, mountain climbing. o French and American classic literature. o Member of ¡§Les Enfoiros de l¡¦INSA¡¨: humanitarian club collecting money and food for poor people through several events including concerts organized during the year.

Atouts et compétences

ľ Word-processing software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint.
ľ Numbers-processing software: Microsoft Excel, MatLab.
ľ Mechanics, modeling and simulation software: SolidWorks, Pro-engineer.
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